Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thank you SPA for "To Be or Not to be" Panel


I just came back from the premed panel, and I loved it! I loved that you hear from a wide spectrum of speakers: a medical student, a surgical resident, a resident ready to enter fellowship, and an experienced clinician. You get these fascinating snapshots of how your future medical experience will look like. I really liked the panelists; they were really nice, and helped me a lot in understanding the medicine today. Dr. Garcia explained pretty well what always bugged me: why would med schools value skills as diverse as English lit to engineering? I liked that they did not just lecture; they made me think, ponder why medicine, why a specialty would interest me.

I also liked the food you guys provide (the lemonade and helpful flyers were great), and just the relaxing atmosphere. (And the premed friendly time that this event was held at)

Thank you so much once again, SPA rocks!

1 comment:

Nancy Nguyen said...

awesome! we're really glad you enjoyed it. thanks so much for the post. =)