Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Warm Introduction - Hillary Lin

Hello all!

My name is Hillary Lin and I'm one of the hundreds of frosh premeds on Stanford campus (although I still tell myself that I'm unique anyways). I was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and I grew up in Stony Brook, New York (on Long Island). No, I did not always think I was going to be premed, and I am still open to crises and changes in my plans, but for now I am straight on the premed path! This means I'm taking Chem 31X, yes. :(

At the moment I am living in FroSoCo (which I love - I view the distance from the main quad as the only opportunity for me to exercise during the day) and I spend most of my day hanging out, eating, really I'm doing homework most of the time but I do hang out, eat, and occasionally sleep while I'm working. My hobbies (which have suffered from lack of time recently) include all of the above plus reading and writing. As you might have noticed, I'm not much of an athlete so I set my bike on high gear and do power biking from FroSoCo to class in five minutes or less.

Anyways, I'll write more after our Surgery Panel tomorrow - ta ta for now!


First post

Testing 123...